Tony Page has been a professional photographer and writer for more years than he likes to remember. He started off as an English barrister, gave that up to lead expeditions across Africa, took up advertising copywriting and then hit the Trans-Asia trail, ending up in Hong Kong via Kathmandu, where he became creative director of an international ad agency. Tiring of that, he tried his hand at travel photojournalism until the more lucrative world of corporate photography beckoned.
After 17 years in Hong Kong, during which time he also part-owned a bar in Lan Kwai Fong, to the astonishment of his friends he got married and moved to Sydney in Australia. Since then he’s been snapping and scribbling away, most recently for the travel website – Travel Signposts (http:// – he runs with his wife, Helen.
"Guerrilla Travel Photography " is his second photography book, he has previously written and photographed "Take Better Digital Photos", which laid out a range of compositional techniques to rapidly improve the quality of your photographs; a new edition of this book will be published soon, although the first is still available.